Still-allegedly-running presidential candidate Donald Trump took questions from his audience Thursday at a New Hampshire rally, which predictably led to an unleashing of racist bile. But sprinkled in between the ignorance was Megan Andrade, a University of New Hampshire student who told Trump she volunteers for the League of Conservation Voters.
"I'm here to ask you what your plan is to reduce pollution that is driving climate change and endangering public health." she told the real estate man.
"Let me ask you a question, how many people here believe in global warming? Who believes in global warming? Who believes in global warming, raise your hand?" Trumps asks, getting precious little response.
"Wow. Not much, huh? Nobody? One person? Huh," says Trump. "Oh, you believe, huh?"
And that, for Trump, is that. He moves on. "We're going to do two more questions, two more questions," he says.
Republican believers in climate change may've just stayed mum. In a poll of New Hampshire Republican primary voters that the GOP polling firm American ViewPoint conducted for LCV and the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, slightly more than half said there is solid evidence for climate change.
Trump has said in the past that he doesn't see climate change in a problem and has referenced the phenomenon of "global cooling," which is a go-to for deniers of the science.
LCV flagged the video for HuffPost and provided an earnest quote from press secretary Seth Stein in response.
It is outrageous that a candidate for President would bully a volunteer in an attempt to avoid her serious question about one of the greatest challenges of our time. Contrary to Trump’s rudely dismissive response, polls in New Hampshire show that a majority of Republican primary voters actually support action on climate. And 97 percent of scientists believe that climate change is happening and is man-induced. Despite Trump's taunting, we will continue to ask all presidential candidates about their plans on climate change and clean energy.
Watch the exchange between Trump and Andrade below.